About us

CODEME Engineering, which was founded in 1980, is a steel construction company focused on the development of constructive solutions. We are recognized in the market as a company that provides complete solutions, capable of offering the most advanced technologies since engineering until the erection of the steel structures, aiming quality achievement, competitiveness and developing values for our customer needs.
CODEME acts on the steel industry market with transparency and ethic, promoting environmental health to society and constantly aiming risk reduction when it comes to people ́s safety and health.
CODEME is extremely focused on the continuous process improvement as well as products and services optimizations, which is done with respect and commitment throughout teamwork.
With a management system entirely focused on the development and growth of people skills, CODEME has a strong mindset of investing on its employees, with the belief that strong and motivated people are capable of making a difference in society.
Our fabrication shop, located in Juiz de Fora – state of Minas Gerais, is equipped with the most up to date computer numerical control (CNC) machines, which are capable of allying productivity and precision to our production line, guaranteeing quality status and incomparable costs.